Mysteries - Paranormal

From Texas to Syros: The Greek Connection with the 1897 Phantom Airship Wave
"Hello, This is Otherworld Calling..."
The Bellosean Sphere: Photographing Spirits -and Venusians as Well
Mediums and Martians: The Strange Romance Between Greek Spiritualists and Extraterrestrials
Cold War Balloons and the Greek UFO Wave of 1954
The Greek Ghost Rockets of 1946
Telekinesis, Spontaneous Combustion and Stone Falls: Two Poltergeist Cases from the 1920s
The Cloth Damaging Fiend in the General's House (1936)
The Poltergeist that Sent a Family to Court (1938)
The Restless Dead of Monastiraki
The Poltergeist of Mavrovo village (1924)
Haunted Snakes and Lake Monsters in Greece
Some Accounts of Fortean Falls in Greece
Some old Cases of Humanoid Paracreatures in Greece
The Mysterious Lids on the Roads of Athens
The Never-Ending Riddle of Pendeli
"I talked with God Almighty for four hours"
Philadelphia Experiment: The Greek Connection
UFOs, Coincidences and Plane Crashes